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Weaver Stock Show Secrets Attitude Adjustment Paste
- The most effective show day paste for calming cattle, goats, sheep and swine
- Helps settle the effects of stress during shows, grooming, hauling, sale prep and more
- Contains no banned substances
- Administer one hour before they show
- 60 cc.
*Important Shipping Information Below
- The most effective show day paste for calming cattle, goats, sheep and swine
- Helps settle the effects of stress during shows, grooming, hauling, sale prep and more
- Contains no banned substances
- Administer one hour before they show
- 60 cc.
*Important Shipping Information Below
- The most effective show day paste for calming cattle, goats, sheep and swine
- Helps settle the effects of stress during shows, grooming, hauling, sale prep and more
- Contains no banned substances
- Administer one hour before they show
- 60 cc.
*Important Shipping Information Below
Feeding InstructionsSheep & Goats: 10cc to 20cc 1 hour before show
Cattle & Swine: 20cc to 40cc 1 hour before show
Sheep & Goats: 10cc to 20cc 1 hour before show
Cattle & Swine: 20cc to 40cc 1 hour before show
Sheep & Goats: 10cc to 20cc 1 hour before show
Cattle & Swine: 20cc to 40cc 1 hour before show
Shipping Information
- Cannot be shipped internationally