Meet Our Team!

More About Brad...
Brad was born in Seguin, Texas and grew up helping on the family farm. His family runs a 3rd generation row crop farming operation growing corn, sorghum, and hay. With two uncles as Agriculture Science teachers, Brad was active in FFA and showed goats and sheep along with playing football and baseball. Following high school, Brad attended Texas A&M University in College Station to earn his bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Systems Management and minor in Agronomy.
After graduation in 2012, he began his career with Producers Co-op with the goal of learning the business inside and out. In 2015, Brad assumed the role of Feed Mill Manager and was instrumental in the building of the new feed mill off Interstate 10 which opened in 2019. In January of 2021, Brad took on the role of General Manager and is focused on continuing the overall success of the Co-op. Brad enjoys the opportunities he gets to work closely with both producers and customers in his role and is excited to continue growing the business. Each day at the Co-op is filled with different successes and challenges which keeps the job interesting.
Brad currently resides in the New Berlin area with his wife, Sabrina, and two children, Bennett and Sterlee. Brad’s hobbies include supporting his kids, fishing, mowing grass, and traveling to the Caribbean.
More About Mandy-Jo...
Mandy-Jo grew up on a purebred Brahman operation in East Texas where she was active in 4-H and FFA before she moved west to earn a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Texas Tech University. While in Lubbock she competed on nationally competitive Wool and Livestock judging teams and was a member of the 2011 National Champion Meats Judging Team and 2012 National Champion Meat Science Quiz Bowl Team. After graduation, she followed a career in meat and food science to south Texas. After a short pit stop in the landscape business, life ultimately led her to settle down outside of New Braunfels. She currently oversees retail operations at the three Producers Co-op retail stores and works closely with the mill to ensure customer satisfaction with a friendly and personal touch. Visiting any location, you might find Mandy- Jo and her trusted companion, Buddy, the official Co-op dog. Mandy-Jo appreciates that her role at Producers Co-op keeps her involved in production agriculture as well as having a front row seat to families competing at stock shows.
More About Becky...
Becky grew up on a registered beef cattle operation that started in west Texas and ended up in Guadalupe County. She is the daughter of an Ag Teacher and was thoroughly immersed in FFA and 4H activities from the day she was born. She has been married 23 years and has two sons. Because of her background, she has a deep love and appreciation for agriculture and the people who put food on our tables and clothes on our back. She has passed that passion down to her sons who she has raised surrounded by agriculture. Becky has spent most of her adult life in retail sales and management. The Store Manager position at Producers Co-op is a dream come true. She appreciates that this position gives her the opportunity to use her retail skills in a field she feels so strongly about. Becky loves to talk to people about agriculture and is excited to help New Braunfels customers in any way she can. She looks forward to serving Co-op customers and making new friends as she strives to meet your agricultural needs.
More About Randy...
Randy is a local from Guadalupe County who moved to College Station to pursue an Animal Science degree from Texas A&M. During his time as an Aggie, he competed on nationally competitive Meats, Livestock, and Meat Animal Evaluation teams. After settling back down in his hometown, Randy married his wife Trista, and they now have two children, Kooper and Palmer. In between Kooper’s soccer games and chasing Palmer, Randy has been a part of making the Guadalupe County Youth Show a success over the years. He has been a co-op team member for fifteen years combined and has worked his way through the company as he is currently managing the Seguin store. His experience in different positions throughout the company over the years curated a great skill set to help his customers with their feeding programs as well as farm and ranch management solutions.
More About Stephen...
Stephen was born and raised in New Braunfels, Texas where he was a graduate of New Braunfels High School. Stephen grew up showing sheep while playing football and baseball. He spent his summers in east Texas on his grandparents’ chicken and cattle farm. In 2009 he met his future wife, Shelley, who ignited his passion for the livestock industry and introduced him to the world of show pigs. Today he and Shelley own and manage Conran’s 3C Show Pigs in New Braunfels. He loves passing on his knowledge and helping people with feed, fertilizer, and livestock supplies.
More About Morgan...
Raised in the black lands of Marion, Texas, Morgan developed a deep passion for agriculture. She considers herself fortunate to have grown up in the livestock industry and strives to give back to the youth by staying involved. Morgan made the big move to Lubbock to earn an Animal Science degree from Texas Tech University, wreck’em! After graduating she came back home and in the fall of 2023, she married her best friend, Colton Mulanax. They currently reside in the farmhouse where her grandfather was raised. Together she and Colton maintain 4-L Show pigs, which has been a family business for over 50 years. Morgan manages inventory and receiving across the company as well as monitoring pricing and trends in inventory with a specific expertise in show supplies and show equipment.
More About Penny...
Penny and her high school sweetheart, Clint have been married for forty-six years. They relocated to the Geronimo area in 1982 and have been heavily involved in the local agricultural community ever since. The Hoffers raised their two kids in the livestock industry and now have the privilege to watch their granddaughters carry on the tradition. In her spare time, you’ll find Penny traveling across the state to watch her granddaughters compete in various sporting events, crafting, or fishing with her family. With an extensive background in bookkeeping, Penny is an expert on accounts receivable and accounts payable. She handles monthly financials while overseeing office operations.
More About Katlyn...
Katlyn Dean was born and raised in Guadalupe County. Katlyn graduated from Angelo State University with a bachelor’s degree in Ag Business while also being a member of the 2017 D2 College World Series Runner Up Softball team. She later attended Texas State and obtained a Masters of Education in Agriculture Education. She’s stuck to her roots and is raising her son Hardey Russell in cattle pens and combines alongside her husband Tarryn. Katlyn handles all the Co-op’s grain commodities from receiving, record keeping and customer relations. She is hands on with Human Resources and well versed in office operations. Katlyn enjoys getting to work within the community where she grew up and with so many familiar faces every day.
More About Stacy...
Stacey grew up in New Braunfels and was a customer of the Co-op all through her 10 years of showing market barrows with Canyon FFA. She graduated from Angelo State University with a degree in Agriculture Science and Leadership. Stacey helps assist in daily operations in the office with Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Receiving, Customer Accounts and Stock Member Accounts. In her free time, she enjoys 9 pin bowling in Bracken, cooking, baking and event planning. She loves to spend time down at the farm in Charlotte with boyfriend, Matt, who grows native grasses and wildflowers for seed production for Douglass King Seeds. Two of her favorite vacation destinations are fishing at the coast with her family and wine drinking in Fredericksburg with friends. Stacey believes life is 100% better with caffeine, a 36 pack of Inkjoy Pens and flowers.
More About John...
John is originally from California but followed his interest in agriculture to the University of Nebraska where he received a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness. After graduating, John landed in New Braunfels and started working for Producers Co-op. He now resides in Seguin with his partner Emily and their baby girl, Tommy. John helps coordinate production at the mill and enjoys being hands on with wholesale customers and making an impact on daily operations at the mill.
More About Zach...
Zach was born and raised in New Braunfels and has worked summers at the Co-op throughout high school and college. Before returning to the Co-op full time Zach graduated from Angelo State University with a Bachelors degree in Agribusiness. Zach plays many roles at the mill and is well versed in harvest time protocol.
More About Joslyn...
Joslyn was born and raised in La Vernia where she now lives with her husband, C.A., and two young children, Asher and Graham. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from Texas A&M University and a Master of Education in Agricultural Education from Texas State University. Joslyn has spent most of her professional life working for volunteer-oriented organizations and now enjoys giving back by volunteering for a number of agriculture focused organizations. Joslyn manages the trailer department’s inventory and bookkeeping. She also manages the La Vernia Country Store’s social media and is buyer for the clothing and accessories.
More About Buddy...
Buddy, officially known as the Co-op dog, takes pride in his everyday roles throughout the company. He is sure to be one of the first faces you’ll meet when visiting any location. He will be happy to greet you with a wagging tail and a smile. With his retail training, he is well versed in sniffing out any new products on the floor, particularly a tennis ball. As if that wasn’t enough, he is head of the lunch leftover patrol and always there when you need a pick-me-up. Outside of his responsibilities at Producers Co-op, Buddy enjoys spending time checking cows and swimming in cattle tanks and the river.