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Boehringer Ingelheim Cydectin Pour On Cattle Cows Dairy Worm Lice Mange

Boehringer Ingelheim

The industry's #1 selling pour-on deworming brand contains the active ingredient moxidectin, which controls 33 parasite species and stages while remaining dung beetle and earthworm friendly.¹﹐²﹐³ Cattle parasites can cause a host of problems in cattle from reductions in milk production, reproductive performance and growth rate to increased disease susceptibility.⁴ This can occur even with subclinical infection when symptoms may not be noticeable. Researchers have estimated, without dewormers, cow-calf producers would sacrifice more than $165 per head in lost returns.⁵ Overall, for the entire beef production system, the impact of eliminating dewormers on break-even prices totaled $190 per head.⁵

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