For those Show Animals that need better hair, don't use one of the long line of products out there. Step to the front of the line and be a Big Wig!
Big Wig is a one of a kind product that does not contain melatonin. As a result, they won’t ever ‘shuck’ their fluff. Big Wig works on a cellular level to give the animal the extra look that judges and fitters will love.
Available in 10lb & 20lb pails with premium screw top lids.
Drug free and contains no banned substances.
Sheep and Goats
Feed at the rate of 1 ounce per head per day.
Cattle and Hogs
Feed at the rate of 2 ounces per head per day.
Tips For Use: One full, level scoop of Big Wig contains 1.3 oz of product